• OK for regular diet as tolerated
  • OK to remove bandages and shower after 3 days. You do not need to keep incisions/stitches covered after that point
  • Constipation is common with the use of pain medication. You can ward off constipation by increasing both dietary fiber and water intake. One tablespoon of milk of magnesia is effective and can be taken once or twice daily.

Knee Arthroscopy Post-op FAQ

How long should I use crutches?
Use them as prescribed. This allows the knee to rest after surgery.

How much ice and for how long?
Ice helps with the swelling and can help to decrease pain after surgery. For the first few days after surgery, “the more, the better.” Ice for approximately 30 minutes 3–5 times per day. For the first night and first day following surgery, you should ice as much as possible.

Will the ice penetrate through the dressing?
Yes, it will. It might not feel like it, but it does.

Can I use heat?
Yes. A heating pad may help with pain control.

When can I drive?
While you are on pain medication during the day, do not drive. You may drive when you feel it is safe.

When can I return to work?
It depends on the type of job you have. If you do mainly desk work or sedentary work, you may return when you feel up to it. Most people return within 3–5 days. If you have a physical/labor-intensive job, then expect to take at least a couple of weeks off. We will discuss your return to work as you progress postoperatively.

If you have questions or concerns, please call the office during business hours.